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By ordering from the Mother's Day collection of Bouquet, you can easily surprise your mom with a special delivery right to her doorstep. Whether you are near or living abroad, you can make her feel loved and appreciated with a simple gesture. So, take a moment to browse the collection and pick the perfect flowers and gifts that reflect her unique personality and style.

Sweet Celebrations

Sweet Celebrations


Send these stunning flowers all over Lebanon to celebrate any occasion! The mix of red roses and pink lilies make arrangement a wonderful gift to send to a friend or family member...

The Tender Mix

The Tender Mix


For whatever you’re trying to express, say it with roses, they are so powerful. Our Tender Mix rose bouquet is full of the timeless bloom in sweetest shades of lavender and assorte..

Tulip Sunshine

Tulip Sunshine


Radiate warmth and happiness with our delightful bouquet of yellow and pink tulips. Each stem carries the promise of spring, with vibrant hues that evoke feelings of joy and affect..