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A variety of quality flowers arrangements as a perfect wedding gift to Lebanon. Choose among your preferred flower mix or budget and let us surprise them by an amazing quality. Our gifts are also suitable to celebrate any occasion where beauty is a must.

All The Love

All The Love


A sophisticated bouquet of 60 roses tastefully arranged into a gorgeous masterpiece! This lovely arrangement will make your loved one feel loved and cherished on their special day!..

Beating Heart

Beating Heart


This timeless arrangement will take your loved one's breath away! A bouquet that will surely turn heads, 30 stunning red roses arranged in a heart shape. Get it delivered all over ..

Beautiful Blooms

Beautiful Blooms


This spectacular bouquet speaks way louder than words. 36 gorgeous roses skilfully placed and arranged in an elegant black box, sure to stun and to grab anyone's attention. This ar..

Bed of 500 Roses

Bed of 500 Roses


Nothing speaks of love more than a stunning bouquet of a 500 gorgeous red roses. Tastefully arranged with greenery , this bouquet is a gift to her heart from yours. ..

Best Wishes

Best Wishes


 Make your recipient's special day absolutely amazing with this once in a lifetime bouquet. 80 roses beautifully arranged in wicker basket that gives this floor bouquet a rust..

Bliss Basket

Bliss Basket


Our "Pink Rose Bliss Basket" is a charming arrangement that conveys timeless affection. Overflowing with delicate pink roses, this beautiful gift basket represents gratitude, and a..

Blissful Grace

Blissful Grace


Classy and lavish, this bouquet is absolutely stunning. Lilies, roses, and carnations are combined for a magical effect that is sure to leave them breathless. Make their day with t..

Country Basket

Country Basket


Send a basket arrangement of bright and cheerful pink and purple roses and flowers to your loved one in Lebanon today! Our fresh cuts are hand-arranged by our expert florists and d..




Lovely and delightful, this arrangement will enchant your recipient. From wedding celebrations to new born congratulations! This wonderful and dreamy bouquet will surely dazzle. Se..

Joyful Pink

Joyful Pink


A spectacular arrangement of 100 pink roses sure to make any person swoon. This bouquet arranged in a wicker basket is elegant and perfect for many occasions. Get it delivered to y..

Love Bundle

Love Bundle


Express your affection with this gorgeous arrangement. A dozen romantic red roses elegantly arranged in a vase accompanied by a plush. Send this breath-taking bouquet to your loved..

Radiant Roses

Radiant Roses


Make the most of any romantic moment or a friendly gesture with a truly special gift. Using the freshest mix of roses, this hand held bouquet tied with a colorful scarf is the perf..