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By ordering from the Mother's Day collection of Bouquet, you can easily surprise your mom with a special delivery right to her doorstep. Whether you are near or living abroad, you can make her feel loved and appreciated with a simple gesture. So, take a moment to browse the collection and pick the perfect flowers and gifts that reflect her unique personality and style.

Mixed Seasonal Flowers

Mixed Seasonal Flowers


Introducing our Mixed Seasonal Flowers bouquet, arranged in a stylish vase for an elegant touch Mother's Day or any other occasion in Lebanon. Our florists handpick a variety of bl..

Modern Roses

Modern Roses


A timeless bouquet with a pop for that special someone in your life. This wonderful arrangement of a dozen roses will definitely impress your loved one. The contrast of pink and re..

My Butterfly

My Butterfly


A beautiful bouquet of 15 tulips would be a stunning gift for Mother's Day, especially when paired with a delicate pink scarf. The tulips could be a mix of colors, such as soft pin..

Peaceful Purple

Peaceful Purple


The Peaceful Purple TULIPS bouquet offers a nice, calm and simple look, hence the name. The color is very easy on the eyes and yet still screams passion...

Perfect Desire

Perfect Desire


This stunning bouquet of elegant white, pink and lilac roses is the perfect way to express your love and appreciation for someone special. The roses are arranged in a clear glass v..

Positive Vibes

Positive Vibes


This Positive Vibes bouquet has been especially designed to make any room feel vibrant and full of joy. It also lets the ones you love know how much they light up your life. Get th..

Pure Happiness

Pure Happiness


A joyful bouquet designed to spread positive vibes through an assortment of roses, statice, lilies and some more flowers...

Purple Passion

Purple Passion


This bouquet is perfect for anyone and for any special occasion. Its perfect purples and pretty pinks speak for themselves as they famously continue to symbolize love, care and com..

Roses Roses

Roses Roses


An arrangement of 26 pink roses inside a rounded leather box would be a luxurious and stunning gift. The roses would be carefully selected for their rich pink hue, with each bloom ..

Rustic Roses

Rustic Roses


Beautiful pink and red roses wrapped in brown parchment paper along with white carnations and alstroemerias.  You cannot go wrong with this bouquet. Send this bouquet all over..

Special Someone

Special Someone


A bouquet that's perfect for your special someone! This artful arrangement of red and pink blooms has a radiant and romantic style. It is beautifully arranged in a basket and it's ..

Sun Kissed

Sun Kissed


Sunflowers are known for their large, bright yellow heads and dark brown centers. They have a strong, aromatic scent, making it  a cheerful and sunny arrangement. Also incl..