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No other floral arrangement beats a beautiful bouquet of roses. From original mixed roses to premium varieties, send roses to Lebanon in a vase or a wrapping for anniversaries, birthdays, or just because.

Beautiful Blooms

Beautiful Blooms


This spectacular bouquet speaks way louder than words. 36 gorgeous roses skilfully placed and arranged in an elegant black box, sure to stun and to grab anyone's attention. This ar..

Beauty Queen

Beauty Queen


A one-of-a-kind Valentine gift with beauty products from Danielle Sfeir, added to a magnificent heart-shaped arrangement of fresh red roses. The package is decorated with accessori..

Bed of 500 Roses

Bed of 500 Roses


Nothing speaks of love more than a stunning bouquet of a 500 gorgeous red roses. Tastefully arranged with greenery , this bouquet is a gift to her heart from yours. ..




To your gorgeous loved ones, you can now offer mascara and lash growth serum beauty products by Danielle Sfeir, along with a pouch for makeup. Add to that 30 red roses and you are ..

Best Wishes

Best Wishes


 Make your recipient's special day absolutely amazing with this once in a lifetime bouquet. 80 roses beautifully arranged in wicker basket that gives this floor bouquet a rust..

Better Than Words

Better Than Words


A bouquet that's perfect for your sweetheart! This vivacious contrast of red roses, lavender waxflower, pink and white alstroemeria, hot pink roses, purple statice and pink carnati..

Bliss Basket

Bliss Basket


Our "Pink Rose Bliss Basket" is a charming arrangement that conveys timeless affection. Overflowing with delicate pink roses, this beautiful gift basket represents gratitude, and a..

Blissful Grace

Blissful Grace


Classy and lavish, this bouquet is absolutely stunning. Lilies, roses, and carnations are combined for a magical effect that is sure to leave them breathless. Make their day with t..

Bright & Sunny

Bright & Sunny


A stunning mix of vibrantly colored sunflowers and roses that is a summer staple. Fit for any occasion, this bright bouquet will impress any recipient. Perfect as a birthday gift, ..

Burning Blooms

Burning Blooms


A bouquet of outrageous beauty, our "Vibrant and Sweet" Bouquet offers a playful collection of fire-toned roses. A fun gift for a fun friend or anyone who's the life of the party. ..

Celebrate Life

Celebrate Life


60 freshly cut pink and lavender roses in a vase, making it one of our top selling floral arrangements. They never missed to draw a large smile on their face when receiving the gif..

Celebrating Women

Celebrating Women


Brighten your woman's day in Lebanon with our exquisite bouquet of long stem roses bursting with vibrant spring colors. With our easy-to-use website, sending flowers has never been..