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No other floral arrangement beats a beautiful bouquet of roses. From original mixed roses to premium varieties, send roses to Lebanon in a vase or a wrapping for anniversaries, birthdays, or just because.

Chic Roses

Chic Roses


This gorgeous bouquet leaves your loved ones swept off their feet with our dozen red roses bouquet, reflecting the charm of their beautiful swirling petals, gorgeously presented in..

Classic Love

Classic Love


A timeless gift straight from the heart. You can never go wrong with roses and this arrangement proves it. 30 spectacular roses presented beautifully in a green vase. Your loved on..

Colorful Elegance

Colorful Elegance


A blend of color to seduce their eyes and a mix of fragrance to enchant their soul, that's our 60 mixed roses bouquet. Fresh cut colorful roses are designed and beautifully present..

Colors of Hope

Colors of Hope


This bouquet is a real call for hope. The flowers are tightly packed together in the vase, creating a full and lush arrangement. The pink roses are a mix of light and dark shades, ..

Coucou Ma Cherie

Coucou Ma Cherie


This adorable teddy bear shaped box is the perfect gift for your next Valentine. Inside, you'll find a beautiful a bed of red roses and a delicious assortment of cookies. Accompani..

Country Basket

Country Basket


Send a basket arrangement of bright and cheerful pink and purple roses and flowers to your loved one in Lebanon today! Our fresh cuts are hand-arranged by our expert florists and d..

Coup de Foudre

Coup de Foudre


A Valentine's Day gift consisting of a Lindt chocolate bar, a plush, and a heart-shaped box filled with 24 red roses would be a perfect combination to express your love and affecti..

Crazy About You

Crazy About You


This creative bouquet of red roses will make your loved one's heart flutter. The elegant red roses symbolize love and romance, and the adorable teddy bear conveys warmth and affect..

Deep Sympathies

Deep Sympathies


Offer your loved one a bit of peace and express your condolences with this bouquet. A mix of elegant white roses, monte casino, and Asiatic lilies in a vase tied with a ribbon. Sen..

Delicious Dreams

Delicious Dreams


A box of gorgeously arranged 36 roses with a mix of something sweet is sure to create an unforgettable gift. This rose bouquet is arranged with an assortment of chocolate bars and ..

Drive Me Crazy

Drive Me Crazy


A bouquet of 70 long stem pink and fuchsia roses would be a striking and impressive gift. The long stems would add a touch of elegance to the bouquet, while the combination of pink..




Surprise your mom or loved ones in Lebanon with a unique and elegant gift that keeps on giving! This stunning arrangement features a beautiful pink orchid, symbolizing love and aff..