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We've got you covered for birthday parties to wedding occasions. Our floral arrangements are made of fresh cuts and beautiful flowers. Whether you choose to send to Lebanon a bright arrangement of yellow sunflowers, vibrant roses, and colorful lilies, or a flower arrangement with delicate pastels, smiles are sure to follow!

Pure Happiness

Pure Happiness


A joyful bouquet designed to spread positive vibes through an assortment of roses, statice, lilies and some more flowers...

Purple Passion

Purple Passion


This bouquet is perfect for anyone and for any special occasion. Its perfect purples and pretty pinks speak for themselves as they famously continue to symbolize love, care and com..

Radiant Roses

Radiant Roses


Make the most of any romantic moment or a friendly gesture with a truly special gift. Using the freshest mix of roses, this hand held bouquet tied with a colorful scarf is the perf..

Red Alert

Red Alert


A romantic arrangement of red roses and a teddy bear makes a thoughtful and memorable Valentine's Day gift in Lebanon. Roses symbolize love and affection, while teddy bears convey ..

Rose Rainbow

Rose Rainbow


A colorful rainbow of roses perfect for any occasion and any person. Surprise a friend,  a neighbour, a parent, or your sweetheart with a bright and fun bouquet that they're s..

Roses Roses

Roses Roses


An arrangement of 26 pink roses inside a rounded leather box would be a luxurious and stunning gift. The roses would be carefully selected for their rich pink hue, with each bloom ..

Rustic Roses

Rustic Roses


Beautiful pink and red roses wrapped in brown parchment paper along with white carnations and alstroemerias.  You cannot go wrong with this bouquet. Send this bouquet all over..




Extraordinary and vibrant this arrangement is an amazing gift that will blow anyone away any day. Nature comes together in this one-of-a-kind arrangement. A bonsai tree adorned wit..

Special Someone

Special Someone


A bouquet that's perfect for your special someone! This artful arrangement of red and pink blooms has a radiant and romantic style. It is beautifully arranged in a basket and it's ..

Spring Sensations

Spring Sensations


Brighten up your loved one's day with this cheerful and colourful arrangement. A sunny mix of gerberas and roses are arranged in a lovely basket creating a stunning centerpiece. Ge..

Summer Sunshine

Summer Sunshine


Blue bouquets have become universal in their message. Either for a birthday, or as get well gesture, they are a perfect gift for any occasion. This arrangement includes a variety o..

Sunshine Blossoms

Sunshine Blossoms


Your recipient is sure to love that you thought of them. Whether it's their birthday, anniversary, or you just want to remind them how loved they are, send this bouquet to your lov..