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No other floral arrangement beats a beautiful bouquet of roses. From original mixed roses to premium varieties, send roses to Lebanon in a vase or a wrapping for anniversaries, birthdays, or just because.

100 Mixed Flowers

100 Mixed Flowers


Artistically arranged, this marvellous bouquet of 100 blooms will surely make your loved one happy. The gorgeous shades of pastel colored roses give a classy yet easy going effect,..

120 Roses

120 Roses


Quantity matters, so here's a stunning floral arrangement of 100 freshly-grown long-stemmed roses in a beautiful basket. It is presented in shades of pink, perfect as a Mother's Da..

150 Kisses

150 Kisses


This bouquet is a breathtaking display of 150 radiant red roses, artfully arranged and presented in a sleek black box. The deep red petals symbolize passion, love, and romance, mak..

16 Kisses

16 Kisses


This gift of 16 roses with chocolates inside a transparent plexi box is a beautiful and thoughtful present. Roses symbolize love and appreciation, and are arranged to create a stun..

20 Roses

20 Roses


Send love with this stunning bouquet of roses You will not disappoint your loved one with this wonderful arrangement fit for any occasion!  Delivered all over Lebanon this bou..

24 Beats

24 Beats


A heart shaped black box filled with 24 dark red roses would make a truly touching and romantic gift for Valentine's Day. The deep red hue of the roses represents the depth of your..

50 Shades of Red Roses

50 Shades of Red Roses


This gorgeous bouquet leaves your loved one breathless with every kiss, sweeping them off their feet with our fifty beautiful red roses bouquet. The charm of their beautiful swirli..

A Bag Of Roses

A Bag Of Roses


A chic bag containing 12 long stem red roses. You can select different roses colors when order this item...

All The Love

All The Love


A sophisticated bouquet of 60 roses tastefully arranged into a gorgeous masterpiece! This lovely arrangement will make your loved one feel loved and cherished on their special day!..

Baby's First Bouquet

Baby's First Bouquet


Celebrate life with this wonderful baby bouquet that can be made in either pink or white for girl or boy! These gorgeous blooms will be the perfect gift for baby's arrival into the..

Be Mine

Be Mine


Make someone special smile with these roses paired with an adorable plush teddy bear. This combination makes a perfect anniversary, thinking of you, and get well soon gift! Get it ..

Beating Heart

Beating Heart


This timeless arrangement will take your loved one's breath away! A bouquet that will surely turn heads, 30 stunning red roses arranged in a heart shape. Get it delivered all over ..